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In case you’ve been wondering…


In case you missed this piece in this week’s City newspaper (July 24, 2018), have a look. Editor Mary Anna Towler again underscores the need to address the high concentration of poverty in Rochester city schools—and urges readers to join with us.

We’ve been a little quiet here for a few months, but GS4A has not gone dark. To the contrary, we’ve been working quietly behind the scenes to support the RCSD’s call for two interdistirct schools as proposed in the Path Forward report, which outlines an ambitious agenda for improvement. More soon.

Yet another attempt to improve city schools

Not surprisingly, the state’s education commissioner is sending someone else to try to help the Rochester school district turn things around.

But let me just repeat the Great Obvious Fact:

…Through all these studies, through all the new school superintendents and new school board members and new ideas, two things have been constant: Rochester’s poverty rate has increased. And the performance of the school district’s children has dropped.

Lock step.

For half a century.

That is a fact. You can look it up.


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