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Contact your superintendent


If you support voluntary diverse interdistrict magnet schools as a way to improve the learning opportunities for all students in our community, consider writing to your district superintendent, encouraging him or her to join other superintendents who will soon begin to discuss the idea.

Below is a sample letter you may cut and paste into an email, but by all means write your own personal letter if you prefer. If you contact your Superintendent, please copy us in on your letter at

Need help finding the contact information? The links below take you to your district’s web page with the superintendent’s contact information:

Feel free to share this link with any friends who may also support this effort.

Thank you.

Melody Wollgren and Mark Hare

Dear [Superintendent]:

As a resident/parent/alum etc. of [district], I ask you to participate in any meetings with other superintendents who are considering magnet schools to provide a more diverse learning environment for interested students in Monroe County.

Having recently read Justin Murphy’s D&C story on these schools and the Orrick Report commissioned by Great Schools for All (GS4A), I understand an initial meeting may occur soon.

The report was completed by the global Orrick, Herrington, and Sutcliffe law firm. Neither GS4A, a local advocacy group of parents and community members, nor the report call for a consolidation of school districts. Rather, the report lays out the steps needed to permit districts to voluntarily collaborate in developing pilot magnet schools that would be purposefully socioeconomically and racially diverse. It would also allow districts to offer unique educational opportunities not currently available in other schools.

The report is available here:

I believe, consistent with the Orrick report, that all children will benefit from truly diverse schools. Decades of research demonstrate “unequivocally” that socioeconomically and racially integrated schools significantly improve the odds of student success on academic outcomes such as graduation rates, along with improved problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, and preparation for the changing 21st-century workforce, as well as improved outcomes as adults. Improved outcomes are especially impressive among low-income students, although the research demonstrates that all students in intentionally diverse schools benefit.

I would like to see [this district] participate in order to offer District students the opportunity to attend such a school. Your attendance at an initial meeting would demonstrate that our district is forward thinking, innovative and willing to explore options to provide the best educational experiences for our students and families. Participation will also ensure that our district has a seat at the table and can be instrumental in creating and shaping such schools.

I look forward to hearing about ongoing educational partnerships to best serve our community.



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